Ad Fontes Media, the source of the Media Bias Chart, has launched an Indiegogo campaign to enhance its patent-pending media rating technology and create a dynamic and interactive version of the chart. To date, the chart has been discussed by major news organizations as a breakthrough in communicating concepts of media quality and bias, and integrated into the classrooms of many educational institutions to teach media literacy. The Indiegogo campaign launched on September 27, 2018 to raise $50,000 and closes on November 11, 2018 (
Initially created by patent attorney Vanessa Otero, the first version of the chart was introduced through a simple Facebook post to her friends and family in October of 2016. Within a very short time, it had been viewed and debated by millions of news consumers across the internet and on her blog at “With information being created and distributed so quickly today, there is a need for consumers to be able to identify the quality and bias of news they consume on a daily basis. There’s also a strong need for robust ratings data for media companies, researchers, and brands. This is why I have developed this chart and platform,” stated Vanessa Otero, founder of the Media Bias Chart and Ad Fontes Media.
Many online news sites, including a wide variety of news sources from MarketWatch to InfoWars, have made this chart the talk of the Internet–everyone has an opinion of where their source of news should reside on her chart– and Otero’s methodology and processes have provided a solid foundation to make the chart a widely-recognized standard for media quality and bias rating.
The Media Bias Chart is currently being used by teachers and professors in high schools and colleges across the country to teach complex concepts of news source quality and political bias through its intuitive, two-dimensional classification system (left vs. right, and facts vs. fiction).
This campaign is just the beginning to support expansion of the project, as Otero has big plans for scaling her technology and media ranking capability to eventually provide it as real-time tool for any organization with a need to know about news source quality and bias.
For more information, visit the Ad Fontes Media campaign at or view the Media Bias Chart at
About Ad Fontes Media the Media Bias Chart
Founded in Westminster, Colorado in 2018 by Vanessa Otero, creator of the Media Bias Chart, Ad Fontes Media, is a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC). It all began with a simple idea and vision of creating a way to measure media bias with a chart. “Ad Fontes” is Latin for “to the source,” and refers to the source-based, content analysis approach the company uses to rate the news. Otero released her first chart to her friends on Facebook in 2016 and the rest is history. Today, millions of people have viewed the chart and it has been talked about in sources like, the Columbia Journal Review and numerous local outlets. Otero created Ad Fontes Media, Inc. with a mission of “making news consumers smarter and news media better.” For more information and to view the Media Bias Chart, visit,