Ad Fontes Media data shows that overall, TV news shows and online video platforms are not the best places to go if you’re looking for fact-based and minimally biased information. In fact, fewer than half of the more than 700 TV/video sources fully rated by our team are “recommended.”
What do we mean by “recommended”? The Media Bias Chart® is divided into different colored sections: sources in the green box (top middle) of the chart are “recommended” by our team to provide minimally biased and reliable, fact-based information. Of the more than 2,700 sources that fall within the green box of the chart, only 13% of them are TV/video sources (75% are websites/print sources and 12% are podcasts).
Our TV/video ratings include TV news shows, videos from places like YouTube and Rumble, and documentaries. There is some good TV/video content out there, but it’s not necessarily coming from the more popular cable TV news nor the video clips that show up on your social media feeds. If you like to watch the news and want fact-based and minimally biased information, you’ll have to seek it out.
The Media Bias Chart® can help. You’ll find 14 sources within the green “recommended” box on the March edition of the TV/Video chart released today. More TV/video sources fall within the green box, and we’ll feature those on charts in the future.
- Al Jazeera: 101 East
- CBC: The Fifth Estate
- CBS: CBS News Mornings
- CNN International: Quest Means Business
- CNN: Inside Politics Sunday with Manu Raju
- EWTN: EWTN News In Depth
- Fox News Sunday with Shannon Bream
- Merit Street Media: Morning on Merit Street
- MSNBC: José Díaz-Balart Reports
- NBC News NOW: Stay Tuned Now with Gadi Schwartz
- NewsNation: NewsNation Now Weekend with Anna Kooiman
- NewsNation: NewsNation Now With Nichole Berlie
- PBS: Washington Week With The Atlantic
- WION (YouTube)
The 50 sources on the March chart are only a sample of the more than 710 TV/video sources that our team has rated. It’s impossible to show hundreds of logos in one image — they overlap each other, and the result is a completely unreadable chart. For that reason, we choose a sample to feature each month. In order to make the logos as large and readable as possible, we have magnified a portion of the chart and removed portions around the edges that contain no sources.
Our analyst team has now rated 15 documentaries, and two of them were added to the chart this month: Blaze TV: Countdown to the Next Aviation Disaster (located on the lower right section of the chart) and What Is a Woman? (middle right on the chart). Read about how our ratings of documentaries are different than ratings of other TV/video content here.
In addition to the two new documentaries, three other items appear on the Media Bias Chart® this month for the first time:
- CNN International: Quest Means Business
- MSNBC: José Díaz-Balart Reports
- The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow
Don’t see your favorite show on this chart? That doesn’t mean we haven’t rated it! You can look up ratings on all sources we’ve analyzed and create custom chart images using our free mobile app available for Apple and Android. You also can access the free version of the interactive chart on the website, which allows access to data on 250 of our top sources. Daily search limits apply.
For expanded access, please consider a News Nerd subscription, which gives you the ability to search all sources we’ve rated and provides many additional benefits.
When you add in our web/print and podcast/audio ratings, our analysts have fully rated more than 4,100 sources, with commercial data on over 11,460 sources. Keep up on all of our work by joining our email list!
Beth Heldebrandt is a Media Research Specialist at Ad Fontes Media. She has more than 30 years of experience in the fields of journalism and public relations, and was an adjunct instructor of journalism for 17 years at Eastern Illinois University. Beth has a B.A. in journalism from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and an M.A. in English from Eastern Illinois University. She’s a mom and grandma, and enjoys traveling, puzzles and reading.