NowThis News Bias and Reliability


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Bias: Skews Left

Reliability: Reliable, Analysis/Fact Reporting


Ad Fontes Media rates NowThis News in the Skews Left category of bias and as Reliable, Analysis/Fact Reporting in terms of reliability. NowThis News is a progressive news organization founded in 2012 in New York City. Founded by Huffington Post co-founder Kenneth Lerer and CEO Eric Hippeau, it is now part of Vox Media. Initially Now This News presented information entirely on social media platforms, but a website was launched in 2018. News also is delivered via an email newsletter.

Overall Score

The following are the overall bias and reliability scores for NowThis News according to our Ad Fontes Media ratings methodology.

Reliability: 41.47

Bias: -7.95

Panels of analysts from Ad Fontes Media regularly review representative sample content to rate it for reliability and bias. Each panel of analysts comprises one left-leaning, one right-leaning, and one center-leaning analyst.

The team considers a variety of factors when rating content. To determine its reliability score, we consider the content’s veracity, expression, its title/headline, and graphics. We add each of these scores to the chart on a weighted scale, with the average of those creating the sample content’s overall reliability score.

To determine sample content’s bias score, we consider its language, its political position, and how it compares to other reporting or analysis from other sources on the same topic. We add each of these scores to the chart on a weighted scale, with the average of those creating the content’s overall bias score.

The bias rating, demonstrated on the Media Bias Chart®️ on the horizontal axis, ranges from most extreme left to middle to most extreme right. The reliability rating, demonstrated on the chart’s vertical axis, rates sources on a scale from original fact reporting to analysis, opinion, propaganda and inaccurate/fabricated information.

Reliability scores for articles and shows are on a scale of 0-64. Scores above 40 are generally good; scores below 24 are generally problematic. Scores between 24-40 indicate a range of possibilities, with some sources falling there because they are heavy in opinion and analysis, and some because they have a high variation in reliability between articles.

Bias scores for articles and shows are on a scale of -42 to +42, with higher negative scores being more left, higher positive scores being more right, and scores closer to zero being minimally biased, equally balanced, or exhibiting a centrist bias.

Individual Content Sample Scores

These are the most recent content samples that Ad Fontes Media analysts have rated for this source.

Content Sample URL Bias Reliability
Pfizer Study Says Updated COVID Boosters Rev Up Protection 0.0 45.0
Georgia Election Officials Are Investigating The Outrageous Trump Phone Call To “Find” Votes -6 43.33
How Zendaya Played The System To Get "Malcolm & Marie" Crew Bonus Pay -3 41.33
Aunt Jemima Officially Renamed After Dropping “Racial Stereotype” -5 45.33
Rising Progressive Star John Fetterman Announces Run For U.S. Senate -6 43.0
Rep. Ron Wright Is First Sitting Congress Member To Die Of COVID-19 0.0 49.33
Do Republicans And Democrats Actually Agree On Giving People With Kids Money? -7.67 39.67
Biden Did Five Things In His First Phone Call With Putin That Trump Never Did -15.33 33.67
Philly Let A Startup Of “College Kids” Run Its Vaccine Rollout. It Didn’t Go Well. -4.67 43.33
The Black Lives Matter Movement Has Been Nominated For A Nobel Peace Prize -8.67 33.33
Millions Of At-Home COVID-19 Tests Will Be Coming Soon To U.S., White House Says 0.0 45.33
Mitch McConnell Calls "Loony Lies" Promoted By Marjorie Taylor Greene A "Cancer" To The GOP -11.67 33.67
Sarah Thomas Will Become First Woman To Officiate A Super Bowl -3.67 45.67
New York Repeals “Walking While Trans” Ban That Targeted LGBTQ+ People Of Color -11 36.0
Ginni Thomas, Wife Of SCOTUS Justice, Apologizes For Causing Trouble With Pro-Trump Remarks -6.67 42.0
U.S. and UK Rank Highest in Per Person Plastic Waste Production -1 41.0
Kamala Harris Breaks First-Ever Senate Tie On Biden's $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Plan -5 44.0

Flagship chart January 2025

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