For the past five+ years, analysts at Ad Fontes Media have fully rated thousands of news sources from various platforms — TV/video, podcasts and websites. One thing has become apparent: Overall, content from web/print sources is more reliable and less biased than content from other media platforms.
How do we know? We’ve analyzed tens of thousands of individual content pieces — online articles, YouTube videos, podcast and TV episodes — and the weighted average of all content from a particular source determines where that source is placed on the Media Bias Chart®. (Read more about how we rate sources here).
The chart itself is divided into different colored sections (for a complete explanation of the various sections, read this). The sources in the green box (top middle) of the chart are recommended by our team to provide minimally biased and reliable, fact-based information.
More than 2,700 fully rated sources fall within the green box; we call these our “recommended” sources. Of these recommended sources, 75% are web/print; 12% are podcasts; 13% are TV/video.
Of course, there are good and bad sources of information from every media platform. But we’ve compiled solid evidence that web/print sources should be the most trusted overall. Of the 2,600 web/print sources we’ve rated, 79% of them fall within the green box.
Today we’re releasing the March version of the Web/Print Media Bias Chart®, which includes 134 of the 2,600 websites our analyst team has rated. This chart features the websites of local, national and international news outlets (watch for our charts featuring podcast and TV/video sources later this month).
Here’s a list of all sources that fall within the green box on this chart. Remember: More than 2,000 web/print sources fall within the green box; this month’s chart includes only 48 of them.
- ABC News (website)
- ABC15 Arizona KNXV
- AP
- AZ Mirror
- Boston Herald
- CBS News (website)
- Christianity Today
- CNN (website)
- CTech
- Deseret News
- FOX 8 Cleveland WJW – new!
- Fox Business (website)
- IndyStar
- Inside Climate News
- Investor’s Business Daily
- LAist
- NBC News (website)
- Newsweek
- Pahrump Valley Times – new!
- Patch
- Pew Research Center
- ProPublica
- Puck News – new!
- Quillette
- RealClearWorld
- Reason
- Reuters
- Straight Arrow News
- Tangle
- The Atlantic
- The Guardian
- The Hill
- The Media Line
- The New Atlantis – new!
- The New York Times
- The Press-Enterprise | Riverside County
- The Reload
- The Sacramento Bee – new!
- Times Union
- Univision News
- USAFacts
- Vox
- Wall Street Journal
- Washington Post
- World News Group
- Yahoo News
If you’d like to see a list of all 134 sources included on the March web/print chart, you can find it on our website. Remember, we choose a selection of sources to include on each month’s chart because it’s impossible to put all of them in a single image.
Six sources make their debut on this month’s chart (as noted above, all but one of these fall within the green box):
- Black Eye Politics
- FOX 8 Cleveland WJW
- Pahrump Valley Times
- Puck News
- The New Atlantis
- The Sacramento Bee
Don’t see your favorite source on the March chart? You can look up ratings on all sources we’ve analyzed and create custom chart images using our free mobile app available for Apple and Android. You also can access the free version of the interactive chart on the website, which allows access to data on 250 of our top sources. Daily search limits apply.
For expanded access, please consider a News Nerd subscription, which gives you the ability to search all sources we’ve rated and provides many additional benefits.
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Beth Heldebrandt is a Media Research Specialist at Ad Fontes Media. She has more than 30 years of experience in the fields of journalism and public relations, and was an adjunct instructor of journalism for 17 years at Eastern Illinois University. Beth has a B.A. in journalism from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and an M.A. in English from Eastern Illinois University. She’s a mom and grandma, and enjoys traveling, puzzles and reading.