Explore 59 TV/Video Shows on February Edition of Media Bias Chart

Explore 59 TV/Video Shows on February Edition of Media Bias Chart

Six programs from Fox News, CNN International and YouTube featured on monthly chart for the first time



Ad Fontes Media’s monthly static charts provide a snapshot of media bias and reliability ratings for a selection of news and news-like sources. Today we’re highlighting the February edition of the TV/video Media Bias Chart.

Our analyst team has fully rated more than 2,160 episodes of 475 TV and video shows. February’s static Media Bias Chart® features 59 of these shows (see a list here). It’s impossible to visually display all 475 shows on one chart, so we curate a list of programs to feature each month.

Six programs airing on Fox News, CNN International and YouTube are featured on this month’s static chart for the first time:

Take a look at the TV and video programs featured on the February chart and let us know what you think. And if you want to see how our analysts rated TV or video programs not featured on this month’s chart, you can explore them using the Interactive Media Bias Chart® on our website, as well as on our Media Bias Chart app, available for iPhone and Android.

Don’t get your news from TV? Altogether our analysts have rated more than 3,650 sources from multiple platforms (web/print, TV/video, and podcast/audio). That’s more than 68,000 human-rated articles and episodes! Become an annual subscriber today to have additional access to our data set.

Read more about how Ad Fontes rates the news or review our monthly static charts (subscribers only). And check back next month for the March edition of our TV/video Media Bias Chart!

Want to stay informed on all of the amazing work done by our team? Join our mailing list to receive our biweekly newsletter.

photo of author Beth Heldebrandt How a Retired Journalist Found a Home at Ad Fontes MediaBeth Heldebrandt is a Media Research Specialist at Ad Fontes Media. She has more than 30 years of experience in the fields of journalism and public relations, and was an adjunct instructor of journalism for 17 years at Eastern Illinois University. Beth has a B.A. in journalism from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and an M.A. in English from Eastern Illinois University. She’s a mom and grandma, and enjoys traveling, puzzles and reading.

Flagship chart January 2025

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