Pricing & Services
Enhanced Access to Interactive Media Bias
News Nerd MembershipFor individuals who want to support our work and be part of our community.
Our News Nerd Pricing Plans
Discover our News Nerd pricing package.
News Nerd Monthly
$9.90/ Month
- Premium Interactive Media Bias Chart® access: Search for any news source with daily/monthly/yearly search limits of 75/200/500
- Exclusive member-only content and live events
- Multiple analyst requests: Submit articles or episodes to be rated by our team
- Enhanced customer service support
- All digital Media Bias Chart® licensed downloads
- 35% discount on merchandise
News Nerd Yearly
$99.00/ Year
(2 months free compared to monthly)
- Free Media Bias Chart® poster and Media Bias Chart® mug
- Premium Interactive Media Bias Chart® access: Search for any news source with daily/monthly/yearly search limits of 75/200/500
- Exclusive member-only content and live events
- Multiple analyst requests: Submit articles or episodes to be rated by our team
- Enhanced customer service support
- All digital Media Bias Chart® licensed downloads
- 35% discount on merchandise
News Nerd Friends & Family
$149.00/ Year
(access for up to three people!)
- Free Media Bias Chart® poster and Media Bias Chart® mug
- Premium Interactive Media Bias Chart® access: Search for any news source with daily/monthly/yearly search limits of 75/200/500
- Exclusive member-only content and live events
- Multiple analyst requests: Submit articles or episodes to be rated by our team
- Enhanced customer service support
- All digital Media Bias Chart® licensed downloads
- 35% discount on merchandise
News Nerd Pro
$549.00/ Year
- Pro Interactive Media Bias Chart® access: Unlimited searches of all of our thousands of news sources
- Search by location, ownership, source, keywords, and content keywords
- Free Media Bias Chart® poster and Media Bias Chart® mug
- Exclusive member-only content and live elements
- Multiple analyst requests: Submit articles or episodes to be rated by our team
- Enhanced customer service support
- All digital Media Bias Chart® licensed downloads
- 35% discount on merchandise
News Nerd Monthly
$9.90/ Month
- Premium Interactive Media Bias Access: Search up to 600 news sources
- Exclusive member-only content and live events
- Multiple analyst requests: Submit articles or episodes to be rated by our team
- Enhanced customer service support
- All Digital Media Bias Chart Licensed Downloads
- 35% discount on merchandise
News Nerd Pro
$549.00/ Year
- Pro Interactive Media Bias Access: Unlimited searches of all of our thousands of news sources
- Search by location, ownership, source keywords, and content keywords
- Free Media Bias Chart Poster and Media Bias Chart Mug
- Exclusive member-only content and live events
- Multiple analyst requests: Submit articles or episodes to be rated by our team
- Enhanced customer service support
- All Digital Media Bias Chart Licensed Downloads
- 35% discount on merchandise
An all-access platform for teaching media literacy.
Interactive Media Bias Chart Campus Pro + PremiumGet an all-access platform for teaching media literacy.
Our All-Access Plans
Select the package that fits your needs.

Classroom Premium
Best for classrooms and departments
UP TO 250 students
Interactive Media Bias Chart Premium Edition
- All source types: Websites, TV Shows, and Podcasts
- Search any of our thousands of sources
- Create and download customized charts
- Search up to 75 unique sources per day (vs 5 with public edition), up to 200 monthly, and 500 annually
- Limits are per registered user
Media Literacy/Content Analysis Training
materials Included at no added cost!
- Instructor Resource Manual (IRM) for utilizing the Media Bias Chart
- NEW Starter Lesson Plan for introducing Media Literacy and the Interactive Media Bias Chart
- NEW Intermediate Lesson Plan helps students understand how to assess source credibility
- NEW Advanced Lesson Plan challenges students to think critically about media consumption and ethics
- 3 six-minute starter videos overview our methodology
- 3 one-hour advanced videos go in-depth
- 9 downloadable training documents and guides to break down each step in our content analysis process
- Reproducible blank Media Bias Charts for practice
- Option to analyze our “Topic of the Week” content and compare with our analysts’ scores
Static Media Bias Chart
- Unlimited downloads: current and past flagship editions
- Unlimited downloads: all specialized editions
Base Pricing
- direct access for instructors and students
- priced by maximum user volume tiers
- up to 5 seats: $170 per year
- up to 15 seats: $175 per year
- up to 25 seats: $180 per year
- up to 50 seats $200 per year
- up to 100 seats: $230 per year
- up to 150 seats: $260 per year
- up to 250 seats: $315 per year
Campus Pro
Best for departments and schools
OVER 250 students
Interactive Media Bias Chart Pro Edition
- All source types: Websites, TV Shows, and Podcasts
- Search any of our thousands of sources
- Create and download customized charts
- Unlimited searching and sorting
- Set parameters to build and download source lists
- CSV data download available as optional add-on
Media Literacy/Content Analysis Training
materials Included at no added cost!
- Instructor Resource Manual (IRM) for utilizing the Media Bias Chart
- NEW Starter Lesson Plan for introducing Media Literacy and the Interactive Media Bias Chart
- NEW Intermediate Lesson Plan helps students understand how to assess source credibility
- NEW Advanced Lesson Plan challenges students to think critically about media consumption and ethics
- 3 six-minute starter videos overview our methodology
- 3 one-hour advanced videos go in-depth
- 9 downloadable training documents and guides to break down each step in our content analysis process
- Reproducible blank Media Bias Charts for practice
- Option to analyze our “Topic of the Week” content and compare with our analysts’ scores
Static Media Bias Chart
- Unlimited downloads: current and past flagship editions
- Unlimited downloads: all specialized editions
Base Pricing
- campus-wide access
- priced by full-time enrollment tiers
- 1-499 students: $620 per year
- 500-999 students: $745 per year
- 1000-1999 students: $870 per year
- School Districts and Libraries over 2000 users: Please contact Ad Fontes for demos, additional features, and pricing.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast